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Thank You For Your Birthday Wishes!

I wish to thank all of you for your very inspiring presence, your blessings and beautiful wishes for my birthday. It’s a piece of great luck to have active conscious people surrounding you, being aware of the need for growth, and who are not lazy to kindly assist others to move forward.

I have reached my 45th birthday, it is somewhere a half of life span, and I can tell you that it’s very unique when you invest conscious efforts to stay introspective and humble knowing that your perspective is just one (although irreplaceable) of all of exiting beings surrounding us, sharing their irreplaceable existence with us. Life can be a rough place from time to time, but still, we need to learn other types of attitudes and give our best. Learning keeping us awake! It’s not easy to grow and stay someone who firmly knows that “I am not the only one, the master of the world, I am just sharing it with others”, and to know that there is already someone who is taking care of all even tinny movements within and without. Life is so much easier when we take an attitude of learning and exploring, and as an unavoidable fact, the watering all this with chanting of Lord Krishna's holy names with loving devotion and humble state of mind.

Now as a result of such efforts, vision is much clearer and the violence towards others is on minimum. We are much more ready to focus on what is important, not only on what suits us.

In the future, we plan to summarize all our experiences, shape them and pay forward to anyone who is in need. We all need to learn appreciation, gratitude, brevity, kindness, to learn to be satisfied, to be joyful, to serve properly ourselves, others, Supreme Creator as an absolute supervisor of all movements and the most important, the source of love.

Thank You and Hare Krishna

With love, Ojasvi Das

Om Tat Sat

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