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Music is a very responsible thing!

Music is such a wonderful thing, and to perform it in front of people is an even more profound experience!

It’s a spiritual experience if it is done with deep emotional attentiveness and presence within the meaning of that same #music or song which you are performing!

When you are standing in front of people, a few potent things are happening inside of you. It’s a very responsible thing, and simultaneously it gives priceless insights for understanding our self, our emotions, position in the world, reveals our purpose, and building a healthy body too.

The processes such as body posture, breathing, focusing on only one thing with thoughts, emotions, and actions, facing all possible limitations, within and without, balancing the mind so to keep the pathway towards the heart as straight as possible, are all present in one!

We are singing the songs with spiritual meanings and ancient but timeless mantras, and it all depends on the experiencing now at the moment #genuine “soul” happiness. Happiness depends on intentions (connection with ourselves, clarity of vision) and natural connection with the Supreme Lord, who is the benefactor and well-wisher of everyone. Our intentions must be directed towards feeling others present there and understand the essential need of everyone’s heart, and that is to experience:

  • that we are part of something greater, not only small limiting life which sprouts out from our limited visions, believes, and prejudices

  • our true emotions

  • belongingness

  • love

  • genuine body-mind relaxation

  • health

  • strength

and some other things essential for the normal functioning of our being and its complexity.

Intentions (good intentions) depend on our feeling of #abundance or whether we feel like a victim or a giver. Abundance depends on the feeling of #worthiness, which further depends on the discipline invested in our duties and gifts with which we are gifted. The discipline, of course, depends on the #purity of knowledge and information stored in our intellect, mind, and body.

In some way, to develop ourselves needs a lot of conscious effort, hard work, clean knowledge, and #wisdom so that our body, mind, and emotions could become fluent and deliver love stored deeply in the core of our hearts to our conscious mind!

The best thing to know is that everything we need is already here, and all we need to do is to balance ourselves so to be able to recognize our treasures, use them in time, place, and space, with full power, to be truly #grateful and satisfied with what we already have, and with the help of #spiritual teacher go over egoism which is the only thing separating us from real and satisfying success!

In this case, music will create the magic which we all desire in our lives and manifest love and union!

Om Tat Sat

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